Emergency Services
For Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), ambulance, or fire protection, please dial 911.
Fire Department Contact Information
Scott Grant, Fire Chief, Chapple Emo LaVallee Fire and Emergency Services
Email: firechief@chapple.on.ca
Phone: (807) 271-0111
Visit CEL Emergency Services on Facebook
Emergency Management
BE PREPARED – Make sure you have a 72 HOUR PREPAREDNESS KIT.
72 Hours – Is Your Family Ready? Emergencies can happen at any time and occur anywhere, sometimes without warning. An emergency can force you to evacuate your neighbourhood or confine you to your home or workplace. It can leave you without basic services such as water, gas, electricity or a working telephone. Are you prepared?
For information on getting prepared for an emergency go to www.emergencymanagementontario.ca or www.getprepared.ca.