The Township of Chapple is governed by an elected Municipal Council, with powers dictated by the provincial government through the Municipal Act. Councillors are representatives who approve and oversee the policies and bylaws that govern the municipality. Further information on council’s roles and responsibilities can be found HERE. Regular meetings of council are held on the second Tuesday of each month in the Council Chambers at 54 Barwick Road. All agendas and meeting minutes are publicly available online through Chapple’s Civic Web Portal.
Request to Speak to Council ( How to request a delegation)
All delegations are required to provide a written submission prior to the agenda deadline, as dictated by Chapple’s Procedural Bylaw (2022). All written or electronic submissions and background information for consideration by council MUST be submitted to the CAO/Clerk-Treasurer by 12:00 noon on the Thursday proceeding the meeting. Electronic submissions should be submitted in Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, or PDF formats. As per the Procedural Bylaw (2022), a maximum of three (3) delegations are allowed per meeting, and delegates are allotted ten (10) minutes to make their presentation. Please note that council does not make immediate decisions or rulings on delegation materials, information or requests at the same meeting of council in which it is presented.
2022-2026 Chapple Municipal Council
Reeve: James Gibson (
Councillor: Rick Neilson (
Councillor: Trish Neilson (
Councillor: Philip Schram (
Councillor: Ken Wilson (